The total of 132 employees of GMC have been awarded for their long service to the company. The employees who have served between 10 to 25 years received cash prizes, television sets, and citations.

speaking at the event, the Managing Director of the company , Mr Jurgen Eijgendaal, expressed gratitude to the employees for working tirelessly to sustain the company.

“These are special moments that you need to cherish and reflect on because some of you are in the middle of your career life and you need to ask yourself what have I achieved, where am I heading towards, how do I see my life and future. the good thing about GMC is that after 106 years of mining we still have a long future” he said.

Mr Eijgendaal continued, ” I know GMC has a stable workforce. our staff are known to be with the company for a very long period and that in these times is very exceptional because a lot of companies keep coming and going.

Nsuta is a beautiful place to work and it has changed over the last years. it has changed in positive ways but it also has to change in smaller ways because we are 106 years old.

“As human beings grow old, our infrastructure in the company also does same so we have to rethink and try to improve upon but the equipment that we work with has rapidly changed because GMC is currently having one of the most modern mining fleets in Ghana and we are proud of that.

Madam Korkor Addy, Head of Human Capital for GMC , indicated that in any organisation the recognition of people who have dedicated their time and efforts to the profitability of the company was important.

That’s why we took this opportunity to reward, acknowledge and honour them for this long service and make them happy to inspire others in the firm that hard work and dedication really pay off” she noted.

Madam Addy said the management of the company would continue to provide a safe environment for the staff to go about their duties.
